This is a shot I did quite some time back during a wedding shoot. The bride and groom was resting at his parent’s house after the morning ceremonies. I was half-resting and half looking for a special moment to shoot when I came across this old school Chinese calendar.
It was one of those with a page for each day, and Sundays were in red. The wedding day was on a Sunday and red also happen to be an auspicious colour for the Chinese. There was a gentle breeze blowing which occasionally flips the page up.
I wanted a shot which showed the auspiciousness of the day, and the red page of the calendar is a great visual for this. I also wanted to juxtapose the bridge and groom (particularly the bride) in the background to tell the viewer that there was a wedding.
I set the Tokina AF 28-70mm f/2.6-2.8 to the largest aperture so I’ll get the calendar as a nice foreground with the blurred bride and groom in the background adding to the story. Took a couple of shots and this turned out to be the better one. It remained one of my favourite wedding photos that I’ve taken.